That's not your ego talking, it's your T-shirt

Garments that make tacky statements are so unnecessary - Let your sense of style do the talking instead.

Is it just me or is there just something so catastrophically cringeworthy about someone wearing “I’m not unique, I’m limited edition” across their front? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m yet to find a likeminded fashion conscious person who disagrees. 

At a busy traffic light crossing in North London I saw this T-shirt come towards me. It was a slow motion moment. Car crash television at it’s finest. I shouldn’t have looked and recoiled, but I couldn't help it. With those capital letters and bold font, it was basically yelling at me.

As youths we are told to be kind and not judge others on first appearances, but how can the same rule apply to these look at me, look at me garments. Surely, these t-shirts are created on the idea of preconceived judgement? 

Mr Swipe Me Right, honestly, do you think you are God’s gift to the distinguished dating app or are you that insecure you need to put your uncouth babble on a piece of cotton?

Unfortunately, it gets worse. There’s currently a video circulating Facebook of a little girl addressing the issue of sexism in children’s clothing. She points out that girls’ t-shirts are labelled “pretty”, whilst the boys say “adventurer”. Alas, most high street retailers are guilty of this gender stereotyping. I know it’s pretty petty to be offended by a simple piece of fast-fashion, but when the kids aren’t down with it, when is enough, enough?

Magically last season Maria Grazia Chiuri led the Parisian catwalk show with a “WE SHOULD ALL BE FEMINISTS” tee in homage to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s TED talk. Dior have thankfully provided some small redemption in this repugnant fad, hallelujah.

Without getting into the complicated semiotics of it all, they say that clothing is a non verbal communication method. In layman’s, your wardrobe choice is a symbol. So get creative and express yourself through your sense of style, not tacky narcissistic t-shirt statements. 

After all, it’s easier for you to wrap up in a winter jacket, then get wrapped up in what ever nonsense your ghastly t-shirt says.


As part of our Writing and Reporting module, we had to create a two minute video based around "festive fashion".

With this in mind, we wanted to keep it light-hearted and true to us.
So Jägerbombs and kebabs.

Filming, styling and photography by Annabel Grainger, Ammaarah Khan, Lorianna Bland and myself.
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