Menswear Editorial // Lurve Magazine

Last October, as part of my intern position with Lurve Magazine, I was given the opportunity to work as a fashion assistant for the fashion editor, Alessandra Conti, on a menswear editorial for their next issue. These are some of the shots from the photographer Kinbykin.

Shirt and trousers, Dior
Boots, Songzio
All garments, Vivienne Westwood
Jumper, Natural Selection 
Dungarees and shirt, Margaret Howell

Happy Easter Everyone

Having a baby rabbit has given me the perfect excuse to make a cheesy Easter photo. That, plus Darcey is so adorable and I wanted to show my little princess off. JUST LOOK AT HER.

Start Planning Summer 2016 Early

I wrote a dinky article for the Holloway Express on festivals that the capital has to offer this summer. Read it if you want, or not.

Full article available here.

Ceremony Festival 2015, Found Series, Finsbury Park

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